Adam introduces the course and the ethos of 'Business Owner First. Trades Professional Second'.

Do you ever feel that you’re almost an accidental business owner? You love being on the tools and perfecting your craft - but you spend almost all your spare time trying to look after the logistics of your business, and you feel like a ‘busy fool’ with no clear path ahead?

Adam discusses how you can establish your path, push your business forward and feel excited and confident about the future of your business within the modules of this training programme:

  • Module 1: Personal Goal Setting - reflecting on your journey so far and where you want to take your business next. Why do you do the job you do and where do you want to be in the future?
  • Module 2: Your Business Plan - establishing what your business needs to look like to get to where you want to be and establishing what that looks like in terms of budget and cash flow.
  • Module 3: Forward Planning: Creating a budget for your business so you wake up every day knowing what you need to achieve to get the goals and lifestyle you want.

This training programme will help you to wake up everyday knowing what you’re working towards and feeling excited to put the work in and reap the rewards by working on the business, not just in the business.

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